pregnancy wellbeing course

psychological change pregnancy wellbeing

This course is designed and led by renowned Consultant Obstetrician Dr Raja Gangopadhyay.

The course is spread over 6 days and each day would have one session for 2 hours.

The first hour will consist of talks by the experts, group work and question and answer sessions with the experts.

The second hour will have practical sessions on gentle exercise and stress management techniques.

What you can expect in the course?


Leading Experts

Well-researched and evidence-based information delivered by leading experts. The entire course is overseen by an experienced Consultant Obstetrician, so rest assured that you are in safe hands.


Online information

You will have unlimited access to online information related to the course. You can access them from the comfort of your home from mobile and other relevant devices.


Community & Networking

Our classes are a wonderful opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. families from all walks of life attend the sessions.


Convenient Timings

Our sessions are held on convenient timings, such as evening or weekends. This would allow you to attend outside the working hours.

What are the learning objectives?

  • Learn about normal physical and psychological changes during pregnancy to make sense of symptoms and challenges.
  • Our unique 'NURTURE your DREAM' approach.
  • Understanding stress and simple techniques to cope with stress.
  • Simple ways to staying happy and healthy through lifestyle changes.
  • Enjoyable and fun-filled physical activity sessions.
  • Safety advice for travel, work, food and holidays.
  • Simple steps to reduce pregnancy and birth complications.
  • Learn how to have better sleep and prevent backache.

Is this a birth preparation course?

The aim of this course is to help you learn how to stay happy and healthy during pregnancy and reduce ailments and complications through lifestyle changes and stress management.

You need to continue with your regular birth preparation classes and courses.

Our course is complementary to those sessions.

Where this course takes place and when?

Please email us for details to: