
IFWIP aims to provide information on the following:

 – Women considering pregnancy: 

Encourage women with pre-existing mental health conditions to discuss with relevant healthcare professionals regarding their on-going medications.

 – Pregnant mothers: 

Encourage every pregnant mother to look after their mental wellbeing regardless of their mental health history with a focus on self-care. Provide the most recent evidence-based information to pregnant mothers regarding their mental health conditions to help them make an informed choice.

 – Family members: 

Their role in supporting the mother and impact of maternal mental health conditions on their health and wellbeing.

 – Partners:

Raising awareness of the impacts of e pregnancy/birth events on their mental health.

 – Every member of the society: 

This is to explore how to work together to fight the stigma and myths.


Topics covered             Mission statement               Founder                 Board of Advisors               IFWIP Champions