Pregnancy and Wellbeing: 10 interesting stories on the web

We are going to post a blog regularly based on 10 recent stories published in different websites related to pregnancy and parenting. Please let us know your thoughts and comments.



1)  ‘Mums-to-be get just FIVE hours’ sleep at night during pregnancy’

This interesting article published in The Sun reported a recent survey of 2000 parents. The results showed the common occurrence of sleep deprivation during pregnancy affecting 9 out of 10 pregnant women. Partners were affected too. One-third of the partners reported that they slept on the sofa or spare rooms so that their partners could sleep better.


Read more about insomnia during pregnancy


2) ‘Woman with a pathological fear of childbirth says her friends’ horror stories are to blame’

Michelle Reynolds from the UK has shared her personal experience of Tocophobia (significant fear of pregnancy and childbirth). She described how it all started when she heard conversations among mums on pain during childbirth. This consolidated into tocophobia when she watched women giving birth on television programmes.

This fear is so significant that she is unable to consider a pregnancy. Tocophobia is a common condition affecting about 14% women.


Read more about Tocophobia (Tokophobia)


3)  ‘Giving birth in winter can trigger depression’

Can reduced exposure to daylight during pregnancy trigger depression? Well, this article reported a recent study from the US showing that the women who give birth in winter are more at risk of developing depression compared to those in summer. The researchers have recommended more outdoor activities during the winter season to ensure more exposure to natural light.


4) ‘Gwyneth Paltrow didn’t recognize her symptoms as postpartum depression’

Gwyneth Paltrow, the American actress, lifestyle guru, singer, and food writer, did not initially realise that she was having symptoms of postnatal depression and needed to seek help. It was her the then-husband, 

She found that certain lifestyle changes helped her recovery.

It is very important to educate pregnant women (and their partners) about perinatal mental health problems.


Read more about wellbeing and self-care during pregnancy


5) ‘One in five employers ‘frown upon’ pregnancy during first year in job, survey finds’

This article reported an UK survey which showed one in five employers showed a discriminatory attitude towards women when they became pregnant. 

Work-related issues could be an important factor for stress during pregnancy and perinatal period. It is absolutely vital that the employers should do more to support mothers at work.


Read more about stress during pregnancy.


6) The Cry‘s Jenna Coleman on how her new drama gets real about motherhood

The motherhood can come with a lot of challenges. In a recent interview, Jenna Coleman (the actress playing the role of Joanna) highlighted the realities of being a mother after the childbirth.

This is especially true when the woman gets mental health conditions, such as postnatal depression. Coleman said that the mother could feel very isolated and lonely as depicted in Joanna’s character in the BBC series.


Read more about the transition to parenthood.


7)  ‘Is the Whole30 Diet Safe During Pregnancy?’

Having a specific dietary programme has become a part of modern lifestyle. Whole30 diet is becoming quite popular among women during pregnancy. This article quoted the opinion of a dietician regarding the safety of this dietary regime.

A good diet is vital for a healthy pregnancy. IFWIP strongly recommends that pregnant women should get advice from dietician and healthcare professionals before commencing any specific dietary programme.


Read more about nutrition during pregnancy.


8) ‘The benefits of pregnancy massage for mom and baby’

Massage is a common form of Complementary and Alternative therapy during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period. Studies have reported a reduced chance of depression and anxiety, and improvement of pain symptoms during the perinatal period.

This article highlights different benefits of massage. However, there was no reference and author description could be found in the article.

IFWIP strongly recommends that pregnant women should get advice from experienced massage therapists (and if required, healthcare professionals) before commencing any specific form of therapy or exercise regime.


9)  ‘Losing Weight While Pregnant: Is pregnancy weight loss safe?’

This article highlights the dilemma of pregnant women with obesity or if someone gets pregnant while trying to lose weight. 

Obesity can lead to pregnancy and postpartum complications. Therefore, a healthy diet and regular physical exercise are advisable. However, women with raised BMI should get advice from a dietician and healthcare professionals before commencing a weight reduction programme. Excessive weight gain also should be avoided.


10)  ‘4 Ways To Ease The Transition to Working Mom’

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The stories shared above are available on the Internet as open-access. The information provided has not been checked by the IFWIP team with regards to the validity, authenticity and scientific facts. They should not replace any medical advice, guideline or recommendation. Please read our full disclaimer policy.