Essential Skills in Perinatal Mental Health for Maternity Staff Masterclass

IFWIP is delighted to announce that Dr Raja Gangopadhyay, Founder, would be offering a 3-hour workshop entitled:

‘Essential Skills in Perinatal Mental Health for Maternity Staff Masterclass’

Brief profile of Dr Gangopadhyay:


“Dr Raja Gangopadhyay is a Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at the West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust, UK, with a special interest in Perinatal Mental Health (PMH). He is a passionate campaigner to provide comprehensive obstetric care for women with all kinds of Perinatal Mental Health illnesses during their pregnancy and after the childbirth. In conjunction with his multidisciplinary team, Raja has been championing joint approaches to perinatal mental health that take into account infant mental health. Raja is a well-known Trainer in PMH and organises teaching, training and Conference for Obstetricians, Midwives, GP and other healthcare professionals. 

 He is a renowned international speaker and has been invited to speak at many Conferences and events both in the UK and abroad. He has been invited to House of Lords meeting as a member of the Expert panel and organised and chaired events at the House of Commons (UK Parliament). He has been invited to many media interviews (Radio/ Television) and views/ opinions have been quoted in many leading UK newspapers.”


The Masterclass details (please find the Flyer below):

Aim & Objective

To improve the knowledge and skills in the management of mental health conditions during pregnancy, labour and postnatal period and acknowledge the vital role of the Maternity staff.

Target audience

Obstetric Consultants, trainees, midwives/ student midwives, Maternity Managers, GP and GP trainees.

Course highlights

1) Assessment, identification & treatment of different mental health conditions during the perinatal period.

2) How to counsel women considering medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

3) Effective multidisciplinary care planning in PMH.

4) Impact of stress/ mental health condition can affect fetus and pregnancy outcomes.

5) Mental health crisis during the perinatal period.

6) Effects on the father, couple relationship, bonding and attachments.

7) Service development within Maternity Units.

8) Safeguarding.

Course design

1) Duration 3 hours (longer duration with additional topics could be arranged)

2) Includes lectures, videos, Case discussions & interactive sessions.


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